Traditional: Oil, Acrylic, Pen & Ink

 Here are some pieces done in traditional media. These include personal works and illustrations. You can find many of these for sale on Etsy at:

"Mobile Home", oil on panel, 8x10 in. - Sold

"Humming Dragon", oil on canvas panel, 8x10 in. - Sold

"Ghost Dragon", oil on illustration board, 5x7 in. - Sold

"Mountain Town", oil on canvas panel, 5x7 in. - Sold

"Crow", oil on stretched canvas, 6x6 in. - Sold

"Road to Doom", oil on stretched canvas, 6x6 in. - Sold

"Corvid Skull", oil on stretched canvas, 6x6 in. - Sold

"honey Bee", oil on stretched canvas, 6x6 in. - Sold

"Triceratops Skull", oil on stretched canvas, 6x6 in. - Sold

"Tree of Life / Tree of knowledge" arcylic on canvas panel. 9x12 in. - Sold

"War of the Worlds", oil on canvas panel, 5x7 in. - Sold

"Treebeard", oil on panel, 8x10 in.

"Unhappy Little Tree", Oil on canvas panel, 5x7 in.

"St. George was Here", acrylic on canvas panel, 8x10 in.

"Nature's Heart", oil on panel, 8x10 in.

"The Bee Tree", oil on canvas panel, 8x10 in.

"Vanitas", oil on illustration board, 5x7 in. - Sold

You can find more of my paintings for sale at:

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